Complete Beginner`s Guide to Visual Scripting in Rhinoceros 6
A - Course Overview
B - Welcome to this course
C - How to use this course
D - Before we Start! Set Rhino Settings
1A - What is Grasshopper?
How to read the component Info Messages
1B - Grasshopper Interface
FREE PREVIEW1C - Adjusting Keyboard Shortcuts
1D - Geometry Types & Rhino Object Referenceing
Exercise: Referencing Geometry Types in Grasshopper
1E - What is a Component
FREE PREVIEW1F - Grasshopper Color Schemes
FREE PREVIEW1G - Component Modifiers
Modifiers - Test your Learning
Script Template: Input & Output Modifiers
1H - List & Graft Structures - Wire Display
Script Template: Lists and Trees Structure
1I - Display Modes
2A - Creating the floor levels with the SERIES component
2B - Assigning 2D geometry to the floors using the POLYGON component
2C - Filtering the heighest level using LIST ITEM and CONCATONATE
2D - Changing each floor radius with the GRAPH MAPPER and REMAP
2E - Parametric ROTATION and LOFT generation
Section2 Script Template
2F - Evaluate Curve - Focus Session
2G - Brep Wireframe - Focus Session
Script Template: Wireframe routine
3A - Understanding the LOFT OPTIONS
3B - Panalizing a surface with the DIVIDE DOMAIN² & ISOTRIM routine
3C - Iterative LOFT setup (Main Method)
3D - Dividing a surface using SURFACE SPLIT
3E - DIVIDE SURFACE introduction (Optional)
Section 3 Script Template
3F - Surface Normals Routine - Focus Session
Surface Normals Routine Script Template
4A - Section Overview
4D - Setting up design options using the STREAM FILTER
4E - Working with the RANDOM Component for random panelization
4F - Recap and DECONSTRUCT PATH component
4G - Construct Path
Section 4 Script Template
4H - Flatten & Unflatten - Focus Session
4I - Dispatch - Focus Session
Script Template: Dispatch Routine
5A - Section Overview
5B - Design Option 01
5C - Working With Attractors
5D - Vector Movement
5E - Detailing the Frames
5F - Glazing
5G - Al Design Options
5H - Complex Glazing Stream Filter
Section 5 Script Template
5I - Flip Surface Routine
5J - Uniform Normals
Section 5 Script Template - Uniform Flip Direction
6A - Section Overview
6B - Installing the Ladybug & Honeybee
Download EnergyPlus Weather Files
6C - EnergyPlus Weather Data
6D - Importing EPW files
6E - Data Visualization Heatmaps
6F - Customization of Data Output
6G - Creating a Sunpath
6H - Additional Data
6I -Compiling Files
Section 6 Script Template
7A - Section Overview
7B - Setting the Obstructions
7C - Geometry Pipline
7D - Advanced Sunpath
7E - Additional Data
7F - Mesh Occlusion
7G - Creating Sensors
7H - Expressions
7I - De - and Construct Mesh
7J - Plotting Text to the Panels
7K - Creating 3 Point Planes
7L - Python Scripting
7M - Internalising Data
7N - Compiling Files
Section 7 Script Template
8A - Section Overview
8B - Installing Human + Treefrog
8C - Map Taxt to Screen
8D - Custom Text User Interface
8E - Map Ladybug Color To Text
8F - Map Curves to Screen
8G - Map Mesh to Screen
8H - Finalizing Custom User Interface
8I - Adjusting the Crvs Display
Section 8 Script Template
9A - Section Overview
9B - Geometry Preperation
9C - Cull Pattern
9D - Tree Structure to Spiral Facade
9E - Tween Curves + Loft
9F - Assigning the Attractor Logic
9G - Tween Custom Data Structure
9H - Assigning a Color Gradient
9I - Extract Vertex Normals
9J - Triangulated Panels Generation
9K - Finalizing the Facade
9L - Script Clean Up
Section 9 Script Template
10A - Section Overview
10B - Creating Rhino Layers
10C - New Slab Geometry
10D - Sort Along Curve
10E - Interior Design
10F - Creating Layer Attributes
10G - Advanced Baking
10H - Creating Custom Component Part 01
10I - Creating Custom Component Part 02
10J - Finalizing Advanced Set-Up
Section 10 Script Template
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